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Hello!  Welcome to our prototyping page.  We build custom designs for the popularization, advancement & adoption of more sustainable practices in the transportation arena.

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Early Vintage Concept

Green electric Model 3.  Built from the ground up circa 2005



Electric Bike Concept

Ed Roth inspired Bubble top recumbent bicycle design.  Still in it's early phases, is proving to be a slick stylized experiment. 



Lego 1

A 3-D printed body.  Completely customizable with a few clicks in your favorite design program.


Electric Chassis

Using pre-existing electric golf cart frames we can build any number of micro mobility solutions.  Just a few trademark modifications & you're on your way!

Furture of Transportation


Car ownership will soon be a thing of the past.  Custom micro solutions will occupy a critical role of freedom within this new city plan


On-Demand subscriptions for transportation will be the new wave.  But for people who want variety & adventure, but who also want save & fun transport, micro mobility is key.

Green Spaces

Living & working will be completely transformed constructed in a fashion which can combine the best of both worlds.  Small point A to point B transport will be crucial to making this a reality. 

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